Friday, February 12, 2010

Can some liberal explain to me how a public option health care plan is deficit neutral?

We will just give it away or do you plan on jacking up the taxes on the people who already pay taxes anyways. Nobody, I repeat nobody that would choose (probably the wrong word since it will be FORCED) a public option pays ANY (yes I said ANY) taxes. They might get taxes withheld, but it is all refunded.Can some liberal explain to me how a public option health care plan is deficit neutral?
nothing the government has ever done is deficit neutral, anyone who buys that hype is not studying government management techniquesCan some liberal explain to me how a public option health care plan is deficit neutral?
It is deficit neutral because it costs the same.

Of course, it will cost more if everybody receives health care ... right now, there are several million people in the wealthiest country in the world who can't afford health care. A lot of them pay taxes.

The cost of untreated health care problems is a much greater cost than the cost of treatment.

Unfortunately, the cost of curing the ignorance displayed in your question is exorbitant.
Wow seriously? I'd LOVE to get all my taxes back!! I'm sure my husband would too!
if you've been paying attention.. the plan is for the public option to have to go through the same negotiation process for their prices.. their prices are expected to be lower, but not by a lot.
You must not pay taxes then. Because even when I started out working, I never got back everything I paid in, not even 1/3. So either I'm being rubbed by the IRS, or what you said is a lie.
For some uber, are you aware of how many hospital bills go unpaid by uninsured citizens - which gaps are filled with your high tax payments now??

Insuring everyone could only save you $. Dol*.
It is deficit neutral if it is payed for by whatever means.

Deficit neutral means we won't borrow to do it.

That seems obvious.
The public option is funded like health insurance companies are, we all pay, its not a government freebie.
What are you kidding me? I'd take it, the government can't do worse then the actual insurance companies.
I pay about $30,000 a year in taxes after refunds and I would choose a public option. So, you are wrong.
no i cannot, it will be ok though
taxpayer money and budget cuts

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