Friday, February 12, 2010

Why do democrats always pick the most liberal senator furthest to the left?

Have they not figured out yet that doesn't work in the general election?Why do democrats always pick the most liberal senator furthest to the left?
Actually, according to most of the groups that rate members of Congress (including several conservative groups like the Club for Growth, Americans for Tax Relief, Concerned Women for America, etc.) Senator Obama was the most conservative or tied for the most conservative of the four current Democratic Senators running. (Because the ratings are based on votes on specific bills, it's not possible to compare House rankings to Senate rankings or previous rankings -- e.g. Richardson and Edwards -- to current ratings.)

If you want to know who was the most liberal of the candidates running, the liberal groups say Hillary Clinton and the conservative groups say Chris Dodd. Both conservative and liberal groups, overall, place Senator Obama in the middle of all Democratic Senators.

p.s. In the same rankings, liberal groups rank John McCain as one of the most conservative senators while conservative groups place him in the middle of the Republican Party.Why do democrats always pick the most liberal senator furthest to the left?
Because they are idiots. I am a democrat but I do not agree with the far left issues. 75 percent of the country does not. i am talking about gay rights and affirmative action. I going to jump ship and vote for a third party. I am sick of democrats always put these issues ahead of every thing else. They hurt me more them hope me.
Obama isn't the furtherst to the left. This is something that has been distorted by the radical right. Kucinich is more to the left than Obama.
Nope.. even after in 2006 they were smart enough to select 'moderate'; Democrats to win seats, they've tossed the idea out the door and returned to their poor selection of a Presidential candidate
More liberal than SOCIALIST senator Bernie Sanders?

That WOULD be quite an achievement!
They don't and this general election cycle is very different.
Their level of arrogance is off the charts and they will never seem to get a clue. Say hello to President McCain.

Sorry Nancy Pelosi.
I would never accuse them of being intelligent.
They have been ';hijacked'; by a non-American socialist movement entitled CHANGE!
I guess they like defeat,there are way more conservatives than liberals in this country, And that's a good thing.
you watch to much fux new channel McCain candidacy is dome in November
I guess they like to lose.
it must be some kind of death wish;; or they just cant handle winning;;
that wasn't a very funny punchline
Obama's not left. He's CENTER. He's a moderate.

He speaks on the issues that matters to Americans the most.

Not extreme policies of the religious right like John ';Bomb's Away!';-McSame.

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