Friday, February 12, 2010

If Obama wins and Republicans say it was Liberal media bias, will they finally admit Kerry was a plant?

I admit Obama is playing the camera like crazy along with obvious wooing of the liberal youth but so what? How is choosing a bimbo for a running mate any better? Or lying about your past and pushing family values you never had? Both sides are dirty, so will Republicans admit Bush is a cheat?

I see damn well what's going on with Obama and I admit it, is the GOP Men/Women enough to do the same?If Obama wins and Republicans say it was Liberal media bias, will they finally admit Kerry was a plant?
Honey, we Democrates are able to admit when we are less than perfect, but the Republicans aren't going to ever ever ever admit to ANY wrong doing, no matter how bad it is. Bush cheated in the 2000 election, McCain picked Palin to get the Hillary votes, but it is OK as long as they get to the top and rule. They will never never ever admit the TRUTH, because Republicans are born liars.If Obama wins and Republicans say it was Liberal media bias, will they finally admit Kerry was a plant?
He can't win now, all of the voters ACORN registered for him, are being thrown out. And the FBI is going after Obama, for paying ACORN $800.00 for their criminal service. Say it with me now, President John McCain.
What kind of plant do you think he was, or is?

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