They don't support it, and are costing the country BILLIONS by being hypocritical and collecting yet another government ';bennie';.Why do registered Republicans get to collect liberal socialist unemployment?
...because it's the Republicans (who still have a job) that go to WORK everyday to pay for the Dummy'crat, Liberal, entitlement Programs !Why do registered Republicans get to collect liberal socialist unemployment?
Lisa I think that your Americanised definition of Liberalism is a bit weird. Liberalism as an ideology promulgates, by definition, economic freedoms which is often associated with laissiz faire politics. The fact that liberals political followers become unemployed forces them to collect social security means that they are no longer liberated per se but have become included into the social security safety net of government welfarism. Therefore, when you state liberal socialist is like saying a free prisoner or something that are complete opposites.
Socialists on the other hand understand their socio-economic conditions and often feel compelled to defend the class struggle of the welfare state dependents in social security forums. This is so as to ensure that liberals do not gnaw away at their social security benefits through privatisation of former governmental services such as employment service provisions to private contract tenderers who charge a commissioned fee to rob government and taxpayers blind, all the while, they are purportedly providing services to people, but, in truth, they are guilty of bureaucratic goal displacement and, in thus, they are corruptible for instituting inefficient government practises, and draining government resources and creating a heath robinson filibustering programmes at the cost of good government practise.
Because they are ';entitled'; to it. You libbies love entitlements, and that should include when those other than Dems are receiving them. I have been unemployed in the past and collected, but I have also paid hundreds of thousands in taxes in my life, so I have certainly ';earned'; the right to collect unemployment when unemployed.
I guess responder ';Chucky'; has never been to the inner cities chock full of Dems (overwhelmingly minorities) consistently collecting their government checks while living in govt. subsidized housing, subscribing to ';Premium'; cable, owning multiple cell phones, and having multiple children out of wedlock, etc.....
Nice voter base you Dems have there. Think again Chucky.
Because they are Grade-A hypocrites. I used to work for one of those Grade-A hypocrite Repugnican Conservatives, one who actually believes that the ONLY reason someone would ever be unemployed is because they don't want to work. Well, she once quit a job because ';$70,000 a year isn't enough';.
Of course, she found a way to make it look like she was ';laid off';, and immediately got herself on unemployment.
Very ironic that the very people who complain the loudest about others being on welfare and sucking the Nation financially dry are among the first to get in line for unemployment benefits. It is the height of hypocrisy to be so against something, yet take full advantage of it.
As for the cracks about ';liberals'; always being the ones to not work, I am taking whatever work I can get, which is damned little, had a chance to get on unemployment and passed it up -- and I'm one of those evil, ';welfare-dependent'; so-called ';liberals';. So much for the theory that us ';liberals'; are such lazy turds.
I would just like to point out Bev's answer of ';Because THEY are the ones paying into it since libs don't work.'; actually makes no sense whatsoever yet she got 6 thumbs up. Good lord YA isn't pulling in the brightest minds is it?
They get it because smarter people force them to endure systems that keep them alive. Because stupidity is not excuse enough to allow them to all starve off and because if they did die off the trailer park market would collapse potentially costing the US hundreds of dollars.
They were forced to help pay for it so they deserve to collect on it. You want to pay for other people since you like those programs. You should be happy.
Socialism means giving up some of what you have to help people who need it. You didn't think it was about getting more did you?
Good question isn't unemployment another ';Socialist Liberal'; program. I thought they hated socialism.
And what's up with this sterotype that Liberals don't work?...I'm inclined to believe the very ones screaming this are the very ones jobless. I would love to see who some of these people are in person %26amp; how they actually live.
Because it is the Republicans who actually worked before they were getting unemployment. They collect unemployment as they recover from something or actually seek a job since they want one, not to live off of unemployment.
i worked fr it my tax payed into it allso my employer payed into it for me by no means is it wellfare or socialist .it's a bank account whe work runs slow .when you get a job and climb off daddys wallet you will understand someday
I collected unemployment for 4 months when I got laid off, but I paid into the system for 25 years.
So the small amount I made collecting wasn't anywhere near what I put into it.
Because they are the main people who are getting it. This exists because and for them. Have you ever been to the south!? Welfare central. That is why they are so fat. No jobs and no drive. Just Tea Parties.
The money to pay for those programs is taken by force. If someone forced me to pay for a drink, whether I wanted one or not, you better believe I'm going to drink my drink before I go.
They are allowed to collect SS benefits though they to do so much less frequently than registered Democrats.
Because THEY are the ones paying into it since libs don't work.
pardon me, but i believe EVERYONE pay into it well, the ones who work. so you are not really that smart in your observation....not even well thought out...
No, I never have.
Good question lol. Why don't they just turn it down if they are so against it? And the welfare too?
'cause they PAID the taxes to finanace it
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