Friday, February 12, 2010

What is the most patriotic thing a liberal does?

In their limited minds, they consider their traitorous actions (such as voting their scumbags in) as ';patriotic.';

But because most liberals are counterfeit Americans, their ';patriotism'; usually involves loyalty to wrong individuals causes.

For example, liberals actually believed they were being patriotic for electing Barack Hussein Obama because of their unprecedent hatred of President Bush. However, this was a betrayal worse than that committed by Benedict Arnold.What is the most patriotic thing a liberal does?
Define patriotism.

Other similar ambiguous terms in the common lexicon; liberal, conservative, Christian, freedom, liberty, racist, representative government, and last but not least ';American.';

None of us know what the hell the other is really talking about anymore because these are all a few examples of words that have lost their common working meaning.What is the most patriotic thing a liberal does?
“Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.” - Mark Twain

You said: I am a stay at home Mom during the day and work part time at night, I volunteer at our local soup kitchen, I write to our congressmen to stop this horrible mistake called NHC for all and I am an editor part time for a well known mag, all this in my spare time

Oh, I'm sure! Isn't this what all Conservatives say. Who the hell uses the term ';soup kitchen'; anymore anyway. You're full of crap.
Serve in the military. You think it's made of 100% Republicans? What have YOU done, since you asked the question? Impress me with your answer.

I've worked at soup kitchens, volunteered at schools, etc. too. So what? These aren't big sacrifices such that you can get on a high horse and attempt to make a point that liberals aren't patriotic. And don't pretend ';I really just want to know'; is the motivation.
Well, I teach. Which is very patriotic because you cannot have a free country unless you have an educated country and a free education.

But there are many other things that liberals do and support that is patriotic:

Supports the Constitution of the U.S.

Supports a robust public library system.

Supports policy that supports a more level playing field for all Americans and not one that only supports the corporate elites and their rich kids in this country.

Supports freedom of speech and the right to be heard.

Supports education for all

Supports healthcare for all

Supports civil rights for all (and many liberals have lost their lives with this one).

Supports the culture through support of the arts.

Supports the troops by wanting them to have the best medical system for them through the V.A and the best education through a GI bill.

Supports a healthy political system by wanting to get corporate interest money out of D.C and the electoral system.

Supports a woman's right to choose and a woman's right to be free of government intrusion of her body.

Supports the right for all people to feel safe in their homes and in their person by supporting not only guns rights in the home but by supporting a good system of law enforcement.

There are so much more.
I have asked myself this a lot. I've watched liberals call conservatives unpatriotic, but what do they do to better their country? They weaken defenses, they limit the citizens, they want to diversify cultures and make American culture nonexistent, and they think a larger government will solve all their problems.
I'm in the Reserves and am going to start my Freshman year at UCLA in a month.

I appreciate the thumbs down for my loving my country. Yes folks, liberals are entitled to fight to their death protecting America the Beautiful and to cherish this wonderful nation.
Support the U.S. military, believe in and uphold the Constitutional values that the country was built on and be proud of the American public for the good we can achieve in the nation and world if we try.

I like to believe that this is the same for conservatives as well. Call me an optimist.
All the same things conservatives do that are deemed patriotic, such as volunteering for military service, honoring our veterans, and celebrating American independence. Conservatives are really fooling themselves if they think they are inherently any more patriotic than liberals.
We support, the underprivileged, the environment, and the education of people.

What do Conservatives do besides trying to protect the big corporations.
best trolling question I've seen on this site so far

yes yes we get your drift, conservatives are upstanding patriots and liberals are horrible traitors. Please get off my internets and go back to watching Faux News.

btw nobody believes you actually do all those things lol
I wonder how many of the right wing morons who TDed St John have done as he has and joined the military, whether active or reserves....
Moves the country FORWARD (as opposed to letting it stagnate or pushing for it to go backward!)
I'll be damned if I can think of anything, how about paying for me to vacation with the POPE.......
Right now, try to educate ignorant Americans.
Burns the American Flag
Helps progress the country forward.
In Ted Kennedy's case, die.
Oops, Tracey beat me to it but for the children dear libs, follow Ted.

Dies, Just like Ted.
stays home on election day.
They went to Iraq and stood up as human shields for the soldiers... err, the Iraqi people. Oh wait.... Never mind.
  • white hair
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