So why do the repuke right wingers have to accuse everone who disgarees with them as being ';LIBERALS';?
Is this the way they want to take over the world, by misconseption and bullying?
Well I have a word for them Repukes! Get used to it, it is a more accurate discription then being called conservitive!
Witch by the way when do conservitive plan on conserving anything?Why is labling a person a liberal so important to Repukes?
I think they might be following your lead comrade, you know collectivism.Why is labling a person a liberal so important to Repukes?
ok I qote from one of my favorite Geiko comercials.
ahhhhh what?
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Evie B
I have no idea what your talking about, how many American bombs killed innocent iraqi civilians?
Talk about killing onnocents, but you know you bully and force you way around, and you wounder why people in the world hate you so much
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Human beings in general are very uncomfortable if they're unable to label and catagorize anything.
It all happened when the TRUTH in LABELING act was passed in 1995. So now we get to see who the real Liberals are. (wacky left)
it makes em feel more righteous
Because the Demoralized need someone to pick on so they blame those who are trying to protect our way of life. It's the only way they can make themselves look bigger. It's the Dems who are the bullies, they are just real good at PR right now.
Well, the beliefs of liberals are pretty bad; I mean, killing the innoncent and saving the criminals wouldn't be considered a compliment, now would it?
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