Friday, February 12, 2010

Why does liberal America reward incompetence and punish achievement?

America used to be a place where dreams could be realized based on ones efforts to be successful. Why has this been changed?Why does liberal America reward incompetence and punish achievement?
Because incompetence doesn't make any taxable income!Why does liberal America reward incompetence and punish achievement?
If you are good at what you do and are successful and make decent money you make the worthless uneducated incompetent liberals (or as I call um, Communists) look like they can't compete with the true Americans and that hurts their cause, which is to trick the middle class into hating their bosses and voting for the Communist left like Obama.

The middle class and the affluent are a team. They work together. It's the ones that don't work that cause the problems. If you are the problem, you can't seek a solution, because you will always try to help yourself first.
Because Democrats make decisions based on emotion rather than logic.

The logical thing would be to reward success, but the emotional thing is to accuse the successful of having gotten that way by stepping on the little guy, not by working hard or having ingenious ideas. That would be just plain unfair...

(And as a conservative, I'm still perplexed as to unfair... to WHAT...)
The President and Congress need to focus on the economy rather than creating costly new entitlements.

The economy is in shambles, unemployment is increasing, the deficit is rising, the debt is outrageous, and Congress is spending money like it is Monopoly money. President Obama promised that the stimulus spending would create up to 4 million jobs over the next two years. Assuming that the promise could be fulfilled, with the rising unemployment it will take 4 million jobs to break even. But the economy doesn't seem to be Congress's primary concern. Congress is working on legislation that will increase energy and health care costs 鈥?exactly what the economy doesn't need.

The Waxman-Markey climate bill is chasing the CO2 bogeyman. The Government Accounting Office has reminded us that the European Union has already gone down this road with less than impressive results. As currently described, the cap and trade scheme would auction some carbon credits and give chosen industries and businesses carbon credits for free. This is a classic example of government picking winners and losers and perverts the concept of the free market. The cap and trade scheme currently under consideration is nothing more than a hidden tax to the consumer. If applied equally, the lower income brackets will be hit the hardest. Sheltering the poor from the increased energy cost will create another entitlement by shifting the increased energy cost to the rest of the taxpayers. Even if implemented to perfection it will cause a dramatic increase in energy costs and all of the country will suffer.

The particulars of the healthcare bill are still unknown, but all indications are it will be a Trojan horse for socialized medicine. President Obama's plan has been described as an expanded version of Medicare. That shouldn't inspire anyone since Medicare will soon be insolvent and will require a massive tax increase to survive. The federal government doesn't have a good record in creating grandiose programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are good examples, NASA would be an exception. President Obama says that his healthcare plan will insure the 47 million uninsured and save money. Before we accept this fuzzy math, remember Vice President Joe Biden said, ';everyone guessed wrong at the time the (stimulus) estimate was made . . ..';

A single-payer healthcare plan puts the government between you and your doctors. Bureaucrats will decide if you deserve the healthcare you need. Your care may be determined by age, weight, or a plethora of other factors. Those with chronic expensive medical problems like cancer, heart disease, HIV/AIDs, etc. may be denied care. Everyone should be very afraid of the federal government in charge of your healthcare. By law, nobody in the U.S. is denied health care so nationalizing healthcare is fixing a non-problem. Washington insiders predict that government healthcare will add trillions of dollars to our debt.

Rather than play to political constituencies, Congress should be concentrating on stabilizing the economy before creating new entitlements. The official unemployment rate is reported to be approaching 10%. But the number of unemployed is actually much higher. Government unemployment statistics do not count the thousands of small businesses that have been crushed by the falling economy and nobody dares to count the homeless during a Democrat administration. But when those groups are added, the actual unemployment rate could be over 20%.

The fiscal problems of the U.S. are no secret. Before the current financial crisis occurred, David Walker, the former Comptroller of the United States and head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), warned that the current level of federal spending is unsustainable. Walker compared all the federal government's income and compared it to all of the liabilities and future obligations. Those liabilities and future obligations exceed $53 trillion. Walker stated the obvious, ';We have a huge implicit mortgage on every household in America . . ..';

President Obama's spending plans will require borrowing additional billions which will exacerbate the problem. Our creditors also know this. We cannot borrow ourselves to prosperity. If the economy is not fixed soon the impact could exceed the Great Depression. The President and Congress need to focus on the economy rather than creating costly new entitlements.
No. Socialism does, until the people cry out for justice, then it blames someone else and uses the anger of the people to overthrow the government in favor of socialist saviors. The saviors then crack down, make everyone work, rob the rich, and enslave the rest.

It's happening in your life-time, folks. Enjoy.
If you make people dependent on the government, then it gains real control of its citizens. Successful people are less dependent on government programs and there for have a greater freedom when voting. If someone depends on welfare, food stamps, etc. i can guarantee what party they are going to vote for.
This way they always look like saviors to the victims they enable. If they were to reward personal accountability, they'd be out of a job, power and money. It serves them to keep others down through their policy decisions.
Because liberalism is for losers. When you put liberals in power they punish success and reward failure. Liberals punish responsible behavior and reward irresponsible behavior.
Reagan let the Soviets bankrupt themselves, but the Ghost of the Third ComIntern had already started to infect the Shining City on the Hill.

So sad.
because liberals are obviously retarded. its ok though. they are losing alot of ppl. i think taht if there were to be another election today obama would lose hands down.
If they rewarded achievement and punished incompetence, they would be conservatives.
We award laziness. Welfare has been turned into a career choice. The democrats like that because it holds people down and increases their numbers.
Successful small business owners will NOT vote for a socialists government. Lazy bums will.
';No one loses, no one fails'; has screwed up a whole generation, and now we are seeing the results.
They are nothing if not consistent, they do things half baked and backward.
Why be so egotistic?
They don't.

They just don't share your vision of ';winner take all';.

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