Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is the difference between conservative and liberal mindset?

Conservatives believe Utopia lies in the past, liberals believe Utopia lies in the future?Is the difference between conservative and liberal mindset?
Studies show that conservatives tend to be people who have reason to fear the future. The reason why they tend to be rich, religious or simple.

Liberals tend to be people who's reason to live is the future and the hope that someday things might change.Is the difference between conservative and liberal mindset?
Here's the official definition of each party

Conservative: Believes in less taxes, less government control.

Liberal: Believes in more taxes, more government control.

I'm proud to say that I'm an independant. I'm sick of the two-party system, and how it's so polarized. Corruption lies within both sides. If the parties would quit arguing and accusing one another, then maybe would wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now. We need to do away with the two-party system and just focus on what's best for our country's future.
utopia is bad news if youve ever read the giver or the anthem. Its always at someones expense. basically conservatives just don't like where things are going or some changes that they believe are worse than before. Liberals want to change everything they think is bad. its basically just a preference of what you think is good or bad (ex. abortion, the war, etc.)
Basically yes. I'd say a better way to define it is conservatives believe in conserving the past and maintaining tradition while liberals are pushing for more change.


Not sure why I'm getting thumbs down for that, that's pretty much the objective definition of liberal vs. conservative. That's one of the first things they'll teach you if you ever take a political science course in college.
Basically, yes. I like to ask conservatives: ';What imaginary point in time is it exactly you're trying to get society to revert back to?'; Then I like to ask liberals: ';What imaginary point in the future will we have to reach before you'll just shut up and stop whining?';
Well, there is no utopia. But, Conservatives believe that the greatest hope is in reality and Liberals believe that the greatest hope is in pot smoke.
Pretty accurate, or ';Conservatives have been driven out of the Republican Party,and Liberals have taken over the Democratic Party';.
Conservative have the world view that it is everyman for themselves and liberal believe that it is all of in this together.
No they are both side of the fence and both follow and do what they are told.

But have faith, the middle is growing fast and they don't take sides.
No Conservatives believe that utopia lies in hard work and equality. Liberals believe utopia lies in affirmative action and handouts
Those are generalizations. I think nowadays there a broad differences even among the members of their own elective parties.Chief among my examples would be Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
I think people adapt their political views based on their mindsets not adapt their Mindsets based on their political views.
conservatives want to be free to make their own decisions in life

liberals feel to scared and weak to crawl out from beneath big

brothers skirts
Conservatives agree with the Founding Fathers, Liberals disagree.
There can be no earthly utopia.
no, conservatives and liberals are both believers in ludicrous ideologies.
I think it's overly simplistic but I will agree.
I don't think so, that's way too simple, it goes deeper than that but kinda... I dunno interesting
gotta say we looking at a bleak future
Conservatives think.

Liberals need to be told what to think.


Liberals mostly supported the invasion of Iraq in 1998 when Clinton first announced it.

They called the war illegal when Bush did it instead.

They elected Obama partly because he promised to bring the troops home, but now that he's president and is escalating the war, they're okay with it again.
Liberals are of a dysfunctional nature.
Conservatives work for a living while liberals work for handouts on a breadline
Conservative= Clear and lucid thinking

Liberal= Better call Bellvue, someone forgot to take their pills.
  • white hair
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