How much of the women's vote do you think Obama is likely to get?When the liberal media is done skewering Palin to the wall come November?
Vice President Sarah Palin might enjoy relative peace. from the rabid media after November.
McCain/Palin '08=Job growth thru energy development.
When the liberal media is done skewering Palin to the wall come November?
The liberal media skewers Palin because she's not qualified. They'd do it even if she were a he.
McCain's machine picked Palin because (1) she's a woman and (2) because of her ultra-conservative religious belief system. (1) was a hail-mary (no pun intended) attempt to win Clinton supporters and a clever, but cynical counter to the historic nature of the Obama/Biden ticket. (2) was to garner the approval of the powerful Christian religious-right voting block.
(1) is an insult to all women because McCain has effectively tokenized and objectified her. By choosing a woman who is an underqualified candidate for the role, when the ticket loses, she'll be the scape goat. When this happens, it'll make it harder in the future for qualified women to be considered for the VP or President spot as many with gender bias will wag their fingers and say, ';I told you so.';
(2) is downright scary for the vast majority of spritual moderates. Palin's recorded positions on religion and its role in political decision making is borderline looney and shows a rigidity of thought that is dangerous in a rapidly evolving world culture. The last thing we need right now is another jihad. We should be striving for a brighter, more peaceful future, not a return to the Crusades.
Palin's a much better public speaker than McCain and has a disarming, folksy delivery. But all style and no substance is not a good combination if she's just a heartbeat away from being in the role of Commander in Chief of the most powerful nation on the planet. Even if she were to have the pick of great advisors, she's convinced me that she doesn't have enough smarts, judgement and experience to choose the right ones to listen to.
Conclusion: McBush/Cheney have demonstrated that B players choose C players. Obama is showing how A players choose A+ players.
Once the republicans are done training her, and she comes out of her shell, she will become old news, and will no longer be the flavor of the week.
Then republicans will be inventing attacks on her more than they do now so people don't forget her
People who talk up ';liberal media'; seriously have their head in their backside.
EDIT: Had a few paragraphs and it just isn't worth it. People who don't ';get it'; seriously need to get out more.
Sorry but Palin proved to be a Lemon
I know you HATE Obama but my God if McCain dies in his first term we in Trouble
Matt Damon thought the same thing
I think that there are many women who aren't going to vote for a candidate because of their genitals.
Palin has already begun to shoot herself in the foot. She wants to go to war with Russia.
10 pct. The alcoholics who drink the Kool-Aid, thinking it's really got alcohol in it!!!
ooohhh me thinks the lady doth protest too much LOL :)
he'll get mine
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