Conservatives have the nerve but not the head.
Liberals have the head but no nerve.
Fence sitters are targets for both.What makes a person liberal, what makes a person conservative, and what makes a person neither?
A conservative wants a government that is as small as it can possibly be so that the people are free to live and prosper however they choose.
A liberal wants a really big government to tell the people how to live and what to do with their money.
There really is no neither (no matter how many political parties there are) you either want a government that tells you what to do or you want to decide for yourself.
Liberal=people who are open for change; innovative;believe anyone can rule regardless of status; more gov't intervention.
Conservative= people who are more traditional;pragmatic; believes the more educated/successful should rule; less gov't intervention.
many Democrats are Liberal and many Republicans are Conservative.
In political terms of today
For simplification, I will use L %26amp; C next to an issue
Abortion on Demand L
Supports life from conception to natural death C
Literal interpretation of Constitution C
Constitution is living document L
Use for on enemy C
Talk %26amp; negotiate L
Cut taxes C
raise taxes L
According to Churchill, Liberal - Heart, Conservative - Sense.
Liberals a burning need to prove their own self righteousness
Conservatives a burning need to defend and keep our country safe
Basically a Conservative believes totally in *personal responsibility* while liberals believe in relying on the government!
A conscience makes a person a conservative.
'Do unto others.....and mind your own business.'
I am a Liberal.
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