Monday, February 8, 2010

Why is it every liberal that calls into a conservative radio show sound like a high pitched whining child?

and they NEVER have anything to back up their statements when asked for examples? Are liberals just ';emotional thinkers'; ?Why is it every liberal that calls into a conservative radio show sound like a high pitched whining child?
Because they never have facts to back up their claims, and always get slammed on that. After they're caught, they resort to name calling.

It's funny when they aren't a 'script caller', and they sound somewhat intelligent, they end up figuring out how conservative they are by the end of the call.Why is it every liberal that calls into a conservative radio show sound like a high pitched whining child?
Liberalism is about feelings, more than thoughts. This is why you seldom see successful liberal radio talk shows. Most liberal radio talk shows do not take callers, which makes their shows boring. The reason they don't take callers is because when a liberal is put in a postion where they have to attack an argument using syllogistic logic, they are easily backed into a corner. Liberals don't attack arguments, they attack people. In a controlled environment where certain professional standards must be met, most liberals can't stand on their feet because that can't engage in personal attacks. Basically, they can't resort to calling everyone a racist, bigot, fascist, or homophobe that calls the show.
Not all liberal's are high pitched whiners, just some. As to the second part of the question, I've too noticed how devoid of facts some liberals are, to include most democrats when they talk of stimulus, tarp, and bail-outs. But to give them credit of being a true liberal would be an injustice to the true liberals. The best answer is there are those liberals and conservatives out there that whine everytime they do not get their way. This is best observed on the satillite tv stations or US Senate/US House of Representatives. Watch either of both of these channels and you will see liberal and conservative whinning at it's best. I must forwarn you, you will not look at a politico the same again or after eating.
Yes they are. There are also the profoundly ignorant liberal callers that can't ever make their point because they speak in circles using too many words and catch phrases to attempt to sound more intelligent. They say ';because of the fact'; a lot. If they ever do get to their point it is usually some sort of lame Bush-Obama comparison.
Thanks to all for watching Fox News and the other conservative radio and TV shows. You're finally learning the important things about this country. Before Fox News most of the democrats didn't even know there was 54 states in the US. And no, democrats are not emotional thinkers, they are not thinkers at all. Most of them are just plain old prompters. They write out their speech before they call into a radio show and then try to read it. When they get a question from the radio host, they either hang up of faint.
You know, this is getting to be an old arguement. Libs are always knocking conservative radio. That is because liberal radio does not exitst. It has been tried, but nobody finds it interesting so it fails to garner the necessary ratings to stay on air. The last one I can remember was Dave Radio. He was trying so hard to be Stern with his entourage, it just didnt work.
They read the websites that pedal these claims, and they get their talking points from a written script. When they go off script they are like Obama off teleprompter!

Both sides of the spectrum on these radio shows allow some nuts in for laughs. Other times you get a serious caller in and a good debate ensues.
Because there whinny and Crazy fools who will believe any thing for example listen to this and think of the difference...

The Sky is falling the sky is falling.

The earth is warming the earth is warming.

Oh and im not racist my best friend is black but I hate Obama.

Nancy polocy is annoying.

and Biden is dumb.

PS Im 11.
from what I've seen/heard, their ';arguments'; are discredited as easy as shooting fish in a barrel, then they get emotional and just start whining/yelling, really is a psychosis I think...liberalism i mean.
Why is it that every conservative that calls into a liberal radio show sounds like a caveman beating his chest and confused by fire? Is it because the anti-education, anti-intellectual, anti-fact nature of the American right wing?
I think it has to do with the responsibility thing. People who refuse to take responsibilty for their own situtation can never be happy. They feel frustrated because if they blame everyone else for their problems they have no power to fix their problem.
Because the fact that their panties are always in a bunch makes them sound that way.

That is why they rely upon meaningless rhetoric like '; yes we can '; which Obama plagerized from the '; Bob The Builder '; kiddie show.
Answers to your 3 ?'s:

- because they are

- because there is nothing to back up their statements

- because they don't think... they just spew the rhetoric they are fed

without bothering to check it out
Liberals don't have a choice. They certainly can't call any liberal radio shows...there are none because no one listens to them!!!!
I love it when one of them gets up the courage to call Neal Boortz. He annihilates them. That's why they want to silence dissention they cannot outsmart or out talk a conservative and it pisses them off.
Have you considered that maybe conservative stations deliberately pick those callers?
Wouldn't know since I don't bother to listen to that drivel...
Because you have selective hearing?
not all are like this. i do know what you mean. many are not prepared to debate, only to castigate.
that's a typical Dem
because all liberals are high pitched whining children.
The same could be said for the reverse.
They know they can't win, so they just use insults.
Hmm, that's not an antagonistic question.

The true reason is that the conservative talk show hosts have a special voice filter switch that they turn on when they want to make someone sound whiny. It's how they brainwash gullible listeners into developing a bias against them.
Has it ever occurred to you that conservative shows:

1) Screen callers - articulate opposition don't make it on the air.

2) Have fake 'callers' (who are actually employed by the show) just so the hosts can ridicule them for entertainment.

If you actually want to listen to the opposite perspective without it all going through a conservative filter, just turn on Air America.

If you want good, unbiased thoughtful news instead, just turn on NPR.
Why is it every conservative that call into a liberal radio show sounds like a racist jesus-freak hillbilly?

and they NEVER have anything to back up their statements when asked for examples? Are conservatives just ';moronic'; ?
Are conservatives just obsessive morons who think WAY to much of their personal thoughts and decide to spend their day ranting them on Yahoo answers?

Because you are listening through the ';haze'; of your prejudice?
because you have selective hearing and don't comprehend very well!
Why do Conservatives rant and make up lies on anonymous boards.
The others are filtered out by the call screener.

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