Monday, February 8, 2010

What are the conservative and liberal views on genocide?

I should think that all sane and concerned people are largely against genocide...

But the folks who are for it, are certainly not going to ruin their own reputations by letting you know that they support it.

That's what makes politics so confusing - there are atrocities in the making which are very adept at disguising themselves as ';an alternate point of view';.

In order to decipher which politicians (as individuals) are most against genocide, you would have to look at whether they have ever supported legislation to stop it.

Are there politicians who specifically ignore the situation in Darfur and the Chinese treatment of Buddhist Monks? Perhaps those politicians (as individuals) could be accused of indirectly supporting genocide.

Contrary to what others have said, I do believe that it is a political issue simply because it is still happening and efforts to stop it could be implemented by concerned politicians.What are the conservative and liberal views on genocide?
Unfortunately, these posters are all wrong. Liberals are extremely against genocide, while in fact their conservative counterparts are entirely for it, why do you think they supported invasion into the middle east so strongly!?

Conservatives are for genocide for the most part. Against: gays, muslims, liberals, and middle-eastern people, and all non-whitesWhat are the conservative and liberal views on genocide?
i didn't get yout question

no one approves on genocide they both strongly oppose ( on the open)

but i'll give you 2 iinteresting examples and think for yourself

nixon turned a blind eye on the genociode that was going in combodia in the 70s

clinton olso did the same thing on the genocide of rowanda in 1994
Guberx--Hey, what are you doing attacking me this way? Just remember, there are ways of finding out your identity on these sites! I will have my KGB...uh, FBI hunt you down and lock you up in a gulag! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

Don't you know who you are dealing with? I gaining more and more power in the central government by the day and the people are loving me for it! Soon the so-called ';freedoms'; of such malcontents as you will be crushed!

Long live the new socialist worker's republic of America!
both are strongly opposed...

and I don't really think they need to do much to show this.

I think people just assume they are not in favor of genocide, it's a given, not really something politicians debate about.
I'm a conservative and I am opposed to it. And unlike the useless UN, I have no problem calling it genocide.
liberals inderectly support the cause, as they support planned parenthood, whos goal it was to wipe the blacks off the planet.
I'm sure nobody in politics supports genocide...if they did they would not be welcomed in America.
Libs looked the other way just before WWII, didn't want to get involved even though we knew what was happening. Only after Pearl Harbor were we able tell them to STFU.
Screw the political sane human supports genocide.
Everyone is against genocide. It's not a political issue.
i would hope both are against it....there are some things everybody should agree on.
It goes against the ';Rules of Etiquette'; by Emily Post?
Groids want to kill all humans.
they are both against
Comrade Obama has a dream for a Post American World. He is all for exteminating the White Race.

Comrade Barack Hussein Obama said in his book 'Audacity of Hope', “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction what better place for the Muslins to control our country, than in the office of the President of USA.”

A person can’t truly love America and Obama too, for to truly love one is to truly hate the other.

May God protect the American People and the Free World from the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein Obama.

Semper Fi

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