Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who gives a ratsass about the liberal media declaring Obama the victor in last nights debate?

The silent (WHITE) majority out here in fly over country know who won last night, the same guy that will be getting sworn in come this January. John McCain.Who gives a ratsass about the liberal media declaring Obama the victor in last nights debate?
Agreed. McCain is the man.Who gives a ratsass about the liberal media declaring Obama the victor in last nights debate?
It must have been fun to watch the debates from your KKK bunker.

You do realize that everytime you use the words ';liberal media'; it looks like a sad excuse for a poor performance.

Its kind of like admitting defeat.

The silent (intelligent) majority out here thinks you are in denial.
Forreal. Of course both sides of the media will declare their choice to be the winner.

Conservative media declares: McCain.

Liberal media declares: Osamabama.

There's no point. We won't know who truly won till someone is sworn into office.

Nobody should any more then the right wing corporate main stream media. If you saw a victor in that debate maybe you have lost some perspective.
62% of the people who actually watched the debate!
You're the racist red state filth polluting this nation. Do us all a favor and make yourself disappear. That would be change we can ALL believe in. Hell, that's change we NEED.

I do, because there are so many lemmings out there that believe all that garbage.
Barack DID win last night. John McCain is an idiot.
Not me. ';The winner'; depends upon who you were backing, in the first place.
It's their wishful thinking

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