Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What do you think about a liberal democrat Christian?

Wouldn't jesus want us to help the poor and needy?

Don't tell me raising taxes is stealing.What do you think about a liberal democrat Christian?
I don't understand the concept of a ';liberal democrat Christian';

Wouldn't Jesus be against murdering unborn children?

Jesus did say ';render onto Ceasar'; and of course he taught to help those in NEED.

Paul said if you don't work you shouldn't eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Not everyone CAN work but If you able bodied, get off your butt and contribute. Stop sitting around waiting for other people to take care of you.What do you think about a liberal democrat Christian?
I am a Liberal Democrat Christian. And yes Jesus would want us to help the poor and needy.

A Liberal Christian is one which understands that living a Godly life is a personal choice. There is no requirement that Laws must enforce any religious moral codes. That religious moral codes can be misused. For example, Pilot declared Jesus an innocent man and wanted to set him free. The crowd of religious zealots demanded his death for braking the moral code of blasphemy.

Seperation of Church and State is respected.
There are lots of them out there....You just don't hear from them like you do the other loudmouths.
I would say they are full of crap just like a athiest democrat lib. Jesus would help the needy not the lazy.
In a true sense of the word, can there be such a thing?
to each their own
That's what I am. And, yes - Jesus would want us to support our poor and needy. He did.

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