Friday, February 12, 2010

Why is it that Yankees and their liberal sympathizers despise manners, chivalry, and civility?

Being a Lady or a Gentleman really repulses them?Why is it that Yankees and their liberal sympathizers despise manners, chivalry, and civility?
Ok listen here. I am what you'd call a ';yankee'; but I'm republican, very well mannered, love chivalry and civility. I find this very insulting, just because I'm from the north doesn't mean were all liberal and anything like what you said.Why is it that Yankees and their liberal sympathizers despise manners, chivalry, and civility?
It is a matter of custom. Urbanization has caused old social norms to lax and with chivalry we are kind of taught growing up not to get involved with things that aren't our concern even if it is to help others. We can be viewed as trouble makers that way.

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I don't think thats what they despise. Its the close mindedness that CAN come from the whole southern mind set, but note I did say can,but not always comes from it. I have no problem with southern manners and such, I admire those things, but even though I am from the south, I'm not conservative.
Well, frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Howevah.....character traits like sincerity can't be determined by a certain region of the country. It depends on the person...two people might say the same thing to you, one means it and one doesn't. It doesn't matter what part of the country they are from.
After all of your hate mongering and violence you have the nerve to say you are civilized and have manners and possess chivalry? You should look in the dictionary to see what those words mean before you begin parading them around...
I am a Republican from California, and I prize all those virtues.

Chivalry is not dead, but it is terribly ill. Sad. Very sad.
It amuses me when someone who claims to be a neo-Confererate uses 'liberal' in a derogatory way, it means they have not been taught their history...
umm I believe that would be you right-wingers that oppose political correctness, and other limits on free speech like manners, chivalry and civility.
By asking this question, you mean the South was right in keeping their Slaves? Give me a Yankee Liberal anytime over a slave owner....
a lady or gentleman with the confederate flag as your symbol, yeah real polite.

it doesn't bother me...?
Why do southerners learn a few 2 or 3 syllable words then espouse them like they know what they are talking about?

Go back to bed... your mom is drying up.
do the hicks down south display manners and civility?
Haha southerner. Domestic abuse is highest in the south.
I dunno. Maybe you should secede from the union. Oh, wait, you already tried that.
They don't.
My dad's from the North and he practices all of those things you mention.

Where do you get this nonsense?
Despises it, they created it.

'Can't we all just get along' ha ha!!
Do you have a source?

Or are you getting this from

*cue hick accent*

'yer melon'

*end accent*
  • white hair
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